Site Updates

This will be a community maintained blog about anything in, around, or about Texarkana.  If there is anything of interest to the community, it will be found here.  Anyone can register and add content to the site blog.  We have set up a pretty long and complete list of categories to post to.  Untill this becomes a problem, all new users can self register as Authors.  This means that anyone can log in and post content using the Word Press tools.  You do not need to create a new user ID and password if you already have a Facebook, Google, AOL, Yahoo, or Open ID account.  You can simply login with those accounts and start helping.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call Dennis (the Webmaster) at 903-306-4034 for answers and help.  I will soon have more help and instructions in pages under this one for guidelines on how to add content.

Thanks for your interest!

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